Wednesday, July 03, 2024

I Wish I Had This Pie Today

Happy 4th of July to the Americans reading, happy Thursday to anyone else. (I guess there might be a few readers from Canada? Happy belated Canada Day to you. Does anyone read from anywhere else?)

The topic of holiday desserts came up in a recent chat with friends, one of whom has to bring something to a 4th of July event, and I remembered that I had made a stars-and-stripes pie one year. I checked the blog, because of course I did, and yes, I wrote about it! Good girl, ccr, who needs a memory when you have a blog.

Bonus Carlos picture at the end of that post, bonus Maggie picture on this one.

"Every day is a holiday to me, but if Mom has extra lap time, I'll take it."


  1. I'm reading from Canada. I think our Canada Day celebrations (July 1st) are fairly paltry in comparison to the US. Not that we're not patriotic and proud but it's just...not a big deal. Though people seem to be decorating more and more elaborately!
    Happy 4th!

    1. Some Americans really go all-out for the holiday, some don't. This year especially, I'm not feeling it. But it was nice to have the day off, and I watched our local fireworks for a little bit. Happily, they're close enough to see but not loud enough to wake me up!

  2. If I had people coming over for the 4th I would make blueberry/strawberry shortcake which ends up being red, white and blue and is refreshing when it's hot. I'm not so great with pies.

    1. I have made very few pies myself, which is probably why I'm bragging about this one from years ago! Yours sounds delicious on a hot day.

  3. Beautiful pie! I'd eat a slice or two of cherry, and you may have all the blueberry starry slices for yourself.

    And kudos to you for making your own pies. I can count on one hand the number of pies I've made myself (unless you count savoury pies) since we have a terrific pie shop in the area. They do dozens of varieties far better than I ever could, including a lemon raspberry that is downright orgasmic.

    1. Oh, that sounds delicious! There's a pie shop about an hour from me that I've heard wonderful things about, I keep meaning to try it.

  4. Elisabeth and I are waving from Canada!

  5. That is/was a really cool pie!
