Monday, July 01, 2024

The Joys of Anticipation

I am, as I have written before, a person who really enjoys having things to look forward to, whether it's lunch with a friend or a vacation or just yarn in the mail ("just"). I took a look at my remaining vacation time for the year, and had a good think about plans and possibilities.

A few years back, my company started giving us an additional day for our birthday, to be used on the day itself or the nearest workday if it's on a weekend. My birthday is on a Wednesday this year, so that starts things off. I'm hoping to get up to Apple Festival around then (it's always over Columbus Day weekend, aka Indigenous Peoples' Day), though I'm not making reservations yet. But hey, you know ... I could just go ahead and take off the Thursday and Friday after my birthday ... and the whole week after that ... and have flexibility and a REAL break from work!

I look at that on the calendar, and the week at Thanksgiving when my brother is here, and know that I should have some time left to take in December...ahhh. What a good feeling.


  1. Love the extra day for your birthday. That really does make it especially fun! I think it's easy to gloss over celebrations when we get older but they add a lot of joy (and whimsy) to our lives!

    1. I do think it's a nice little thing for them to do! I mean, I don't know that anyone forces people to use it, but why wouldn't you?

  2. A day off for your birthday! That is lovely!

    1. It works for me! I love to not set an alarm on my birthday.

  3. The day off for birthday is a special treat. Hey, your birthday is the day after mine! Happy Birthday to us! I don't get the day off for my birthday (sadly) but I planned ahead and am taking Friday through next Wednesday off!

    1. Happy birthday to us! Enjoy your time off now--I wish I had planned to take at least Friday.

  4. Wow! I always take my birthday off, but it's not official or anything! What a lovely plan you have in place.

    1. Thank you! As nice as it is to take a day here and there, the idea of a real break is so pleasing.

  5. Whoever decided that deserves the best of whatever kind of birthday cake they could ever hope for. What a great way to make one's employees feel personally cared about.
