Friday, June 14, 2024

Solved It!

My mother showed me a framed print that she’s had on the wall forever and said that she had forgotten what it was a print of, and would I mind taking a picture of it and putting it up somewhere (meaning either here, or Facebook) to see if anyone knew.

I remembered a friend telling me about using google for a reverse image search, so I took a crappy picture of it, googled how to do that (which felt very meta), and searched on the photo.

A few minutes later, I got to tell my mother what it was, and felt like a magician.

Ta da! Say hello to:

Boy and Rabbit, ca. 1814

Sir Henry Raeburn RA (1756 - 1823)


  1. It's so incredible to be able to do this sort of thing! I remember agonizing about who certain actors were or where I'd seen them before, then along came Google. Part of me thinks that my brain is atrophying because it's way too easy to look things up on the computer/iPhone.

    1. It was so satisfying! And yes, I vividly remember, back in the 90s, seeing a character in a movie who I just knew I had seen in something else, and fretting over it (on and off) for weeks before I put it together. Now I would hop on IMDB and get the answer in seconds. It's crazy.

  2. I'm so crazy about Google. (AND IMDb) I usually spend quite a bit of time trying to think of something first, just to give my brain a workout, but I love having so much information literally at my fingertips. Incredibly satisfying!

    1. When it works, it totally is! When I can't find an answer, I get so frustrated. But it's better than it was before.

  3. And I'm sitting here thinking, Hey, Anne! She took art lessons at the Corcoran growing up and a degree in fine arts, etc etc, but one of the things our dad got her into for awhile was restoration of Old Master's: how to clean them without damaging them. The colors brighten up. As I remember, The Changing of the Night Guard painting's name got changed to the The Changing of the Day Guard after restoration!

  4. (I did NOT put that errant apostrophe into Masters! Autoincorrect strikes again.)
