Friday, June 21, 2024

She Is a Cat

I decided to try a different type of pet carrier for Maggie, one that is worn like a baby carrier, in hopes that Maggie will hate it (and being in the car, and going to the vet) a little less than she does now. I know, it's a tall order! But we're going to try it. It is this one, and if you don't want to click through, it looks like this:

The other day, I put it down on the floor, and put a blanket in it that she's been sleeping on, so it would smell familiar, and left it there for her to investigate. (Obviously during actual use, this blanket is too big, but just to start her off.)
"What is that?"
"Hmm. Better ignore that."

Today, she decided to get closer, while still making her feelings clear.

At 8:25 am 

By 8:49 am

At 3:44 pm

Ooh! At 3:51 pm, she started washing, and then moved the bath in!
How about that.
She didn't stay in there long, but it's a hopeful sign.

Barring emergency*, she doesn't need to go anywhere before the vet at the end of July, so we'll see if she warms up to it at all before then. After all, you can lead a cat to a carrier, but you can't make her get in!
*knock on wood, no illness or injury and no hurricanes (which reminds me, I need to update my list of pet-friendly hotels we can go to if we need to go over to the east coast)

Unless she wants to, that is. Her regular, hard-sided carrier stays in the living room, open, and she does go in there sometimes to nap. But that's her idea.


  1. I have a hard shell that I have to hide from Mari until I'm ready to put her in it. Otherwise, she hides and I will never find her. I've never seen that kind of carrier before!

    1. I'm hoping she'll like it! Buying things for cats is such a crapshoot, though.

  2. Cats are so weird. I've had four total now, and each one has been so different from the next.

  3. Zelda hangs out in her (hard-sided) carrier all the time, but when we need to put her in it, she freaks out. LOLOL. Cats.

    1. Oh, Maggie doesn't like being shut into the old carrier at all! It's one thing for her to decide to get in it, and quite another for the decision to be made for her. Cats.

  4. She fits/she sits/just no no-exits, she quips.
