Wednesday, June 05, 2024

So Much Catching Up

I had a great time, and blogging about the trip is part of my growing to-do list, but wow, as much as it's worth it, going away is so much work, before and after, isn't it? I'm back at work (Monday morning was very un-fun), which is time-consuming and tiring, and wow do I wish I was the one who won the Mega Millions yesterday.

So I need to finish the last 5% of unpacking and put the luggage back in the garage, and pay some bills, and trim Maggie's claws, and I want to catch up emails and blogs, and make Saturday lunch plans with a few friends before they head north, and enter all the yarn I bought in Ravelry...

Oh, what was that? Yeah. I had some fun, in three different yarn stores.

Before you ask, no, I don't know what any of it will be made into. Because here's the thing about me:
Related, but different.

Here are the other stickers I got, while I'm at it:


  1. Those are cute magnets! You got so much yarn. What fun!

  2. Going away is so much work! I find I am consumed by it before, and then frantically catching up after! It took me a while after this last one to get everything caught up.

    1. For some reason, while I know it will be time-consuming before a trip, I am surprised by how much it messes me up after. Still worth it, but jeez, I went off the rails.

  3. That "buying yarn and using it are two different things" is HILARIOUS! So true about a lot of things in life.

    And yes, coming back after any trip is kinda the worst thing ever, in my opinion. Is it worth it? Yes. Does it shock me every single time how hard the transition feels? Yes. There is always so much extra to do and I just feel out of my home groove.

    1. Yes! I like being in my routines, and everything goes up in the air for a trip.

  4. Ha! Your yarn is like how I am with books . I buy them and then they sit there, unread. However, just their mere presence makes me feel good about myself. So there! I am sure your yarn is the same. Warm and cozy...

    1. Totally! What's wrong with having something ready for when you're ready for it? Nothing!

  5. Those yarns! Beautiful! So glad you got to go on your trip, and every stitch will remind you of the good time you had.

  6. Beautiful yarn and stickers!!!

  7. Yarn is always a great souvenir. (I feel the same way about wine!)

  8. I love those stickers! I feel the same way about books: buying books and reading books are two VERY different hobbies! ;)

    1. They just really are. They're related, but...not the same.
