Thursday, June 13, 2024

Not Washed Away (Yet)

Given that my brother is currently overseas and even he has heard about the flooding in Florida, I though I should pause my disorganized flailing around, trying to get my life back to being even minimally organized, to reassure you that I'm fine. 

Not that we haven't had a lot of rain this week (we have!) and not that it's done yet (it isn't!), but so far, so good, if in slightly dampened and depressed spirits (this is supposed to be the sunshine state, after all)(yes, I know, this is rainy season, but this week has excessive; keep it in mind if you're ever considering a summer trip to Florida). 

That got very parenthetical.

Tuesday evening, when I went down to get the mail, I looked at the lake that is our lawn when things aren't as rainy.

It's a lake. And the swale in front was full and water covered the right lane of the road.
A lot of water.

The local weather person put maps up on FB Wednesday night showing two-day totals over the area, and ours was 8.3 inches, which seems like a lot until you notice the 18.0 and 19.8 inches nearby. Whew! This morning was actually a bit of break, and the sun even peeked out! Which was marvelous to see.

But it's currently pouring again. Gloomy as all get-out. Dispiriting.

The neighbors have a lake, too.

Perhaps I should play with some yarn and cheer myself up.


  1. Yikes, that is crazy, C! Stay safe!

  2. Wow, it's unfair that others say that Washington gets a ton of rain. We get mostly drizzle. Hope that the rain goes away soon and you get your sunshine back!

  3. So much rain! Everyone gets their own private lake, but not the weather in which to enjoy it. Hang in there.

  4. Wow! I had no idea! I am glad you're okay!

  5. I'm trying to figure out where in Florida you live! The west coast, right? But I thought they didn't get the rain over there. Anyway- glad you weren't washed away. Looks like the rain has stopped... for now.
