Monday, June 24, 2024

And In Goes the Cabinet

I wanted to get the new cabinet in place this weekend, and see if Maggie will consent to using the litter box at that level.

This is what the space looked like before. Yes, it's in my bedroom. That's the box on the floor on the corner. The camp chair is where I sat to feed Maggie. 

I used to feed Maggie in the kitchen, but a few years ago when we were having work done (was that when the roofers were making noise outside, or when the windows were being replaced?), I started feeding her in my room. I've been wanting to switch that back to the kitchen, so I started feeding her there again on Friday. She was very confused--"that's not where I eat"--but seems to be adjusting now. She will eat there, anyway, which is all I need. And thus, the chair can come out (and stay in the garage for now, until I decide if we should keep it).

I brought the cabinet upstairs on Saturday. I will say that while it is on wheels, it is so low to the ground that it can't easily clear even a small height (I thought I might have to roll it around to the car door of the garage, as it did not want to go though the people door and make that inch down to ground level). It also steers like, I don't know what, what steers very poorly? Like that.

But it fit in the elevator, if with not too much room to spare.
Maggie was very curious.
"What is this now?"
"Are you sure about this?"
Sniff sniff sniff.
I left it there overnight (and cleaned it, though it wasn't all that dirty). Sunday, I rolled it into the room, where it fit perfectly.
Nice! Very satisfying.
When Maggie next came out from her nap, I went into the bedroom and sat on the bed, and she followed me to see what I was doing. And inspected it.
I wanted her to know that the litter box was still there, so I picked her up and put her next to it.
She sniffed around.
Considered everything.
And jumped down, bypassing the little table I put there in case she wanted to take it in stages. I'll leave it there anyway, for a while, and see if she uses it.

Shortly after all this went down, thunder rumbled and the cat vanished. But at least now she knows it's there. Further updates as events warrant. 

P.S. She used it this morning! 


  1. Looks great...and can't beat the price!

    1. Right? I was so sure she would say that was the price of one of the things on top of the cabinet, but no.

  2. What a delightful solution. I am happy to hear you gave her steps to get there. I always worry about aging kitties hurting themselves trying to make jumps they could make when they were younger, but shouldn't be attempting now.

    1. Yes, even if she doesn't need it now, she may later. The last thing I want is for her to get hurt due to this.

  3. The cabinet looks great there! How do you deal with litter everywhere or is my cat just messy?

    1. I put the little rug there in hopes that it will catch most of it. I have a broom and pan set in my room to sweep up the litter on the floor as needed. It's not just your cat!

  4. That looks like it worked out perfectly!

  5. So glad she accepted the change! I love all her careful investigations of the intruder.

    1. She is a very thorough inspector of such things.

  6. That cabinet looks really nice, AND I read your previous post where you said you got it for $9.95! What a bargain. Cats are hilarious- I love the way they look at you when you try to change something up. But it sounds like Maggie is on board- hooray.

    1. She really isn't a fan of change--and since I'm not either, I get it! I try to ease her into things. That's part of why I got the new carrier way before we need to try it. And if she doesn't want to get into it next month, we'll use the old one. Meanwhile, she's using the litter box on top of the cabinet, and that's what matters.

  7. Marlowe is such an aggressive litter box user that I'd never be able to have her box anyplace but the basement and on the floor. She paws and digs and sends litter flying. I'm glad Maggie is so neat and nice that you can make this accommodation for yourself.

    1. She isn't super-neat, and I'll probably get a box with higher sides, but this is at least possible, and gosh, so much easier to clean this way!

  8. Jennifer Jordan6:05 AM, June 27, 2024

    Looks great!
