Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fifteen Years? How?

My dad died this week in 2009. Which somehow seems like it was yesterday, and yet also like it was a hundred years ago. As I have felt ever since, according to some of my blog posts since then.

  • A Year Later, if you can believe it
  • It seems impossible--feels impossible--that it can have been two years since my dad died, but so the calendar tells me. Isn't time the strangest thing?
  • It's an impossible amount of time both ways, since it somehow feels like he just died, and that he's been gone forever.
  • Ten Years. Ten Years?

I have a photo of him on the wall above my desk, and sometimes I will look up at it, inviting him to join me in rolling my eyes over some work thing, or reminding him that he hasn't pulled off a big lottery win for us yet. Any time, Dad!


  1. He has a friendly face and a great smile. My dad died March 22, 2021. I can't believe it's been three years, yet I echo your sentiment. It seems like yesterday and yet forever ago. There's been so much I've wanted to share with him: good books, political talks, the grandsons, hugs, etc. He was one of my best friends.

  2. I understand. My own father died about 24 years ago, and I feel like that cannot possibly be true.

    I love that you still communicate with your dad, especially humorously. And I hope he comes through for you with the cash!

    1. He hasn't yet! But we do credit him for every green light and miraculous parking spot--those were his specialties.

  3. What a warm welcoming smile--I wish I could have met him. I'm glad I got to meet his daughter!

  4. What a lovely smile, indeed. Time and grief are such a complicated web; there is no expiration date on our grief, but the concept of time passing can be such a weird sensation. It sounds like he lived well and you have very fond memories of your shared experiences <3

    1. So true! Like many things in life, it isn't a strictly linear process. Being human can be so messy.

  5. I know what you mean. I lost both my parents in 2012 within 3 months of each other. I still can't reconcile it's been 12 years.
