Monday, October 24, 2022

Getting Things Done; Gripes

Not that I had my most productive weekend ever, but I did get some things done, including:

  • I figured out who to vote for and filled out my absentee ballot. I'd been putting it off because it's not a small dance card this election--thirteen different judge-recall questions, for instance--but I finally reached the tipping point where I wanted to be done with it more than I didn't want to do it. Checked off the list. (I still have to drop it off, but early voting hasn't started yet. At least now I'm ready.)
  • I started packing for my trip. I have been working on the packing list on and off for some time, but I started the pile-things-up stage. I don't leave until Thursday, so plenty of time to fine-tune it (aka "how many long sleeves can I fit in a carry-on").
  • Trimmed Maggie's claws. Way overdue. She had some major pointies. She was unimpressed, but no blood was shed.
  • Put the new registration sticker on the car. Hey, it's a thing, it needed doing, I did it.

Also, a few gripes:

  • I strained a muscle in my leg last weekend (cleaning up garage stuff), the hamstring I guess (up the back of the leg to the butt), and then I aggravated it on Thursday, and it's so sore, and traveling with it is going to be so annoying. I'm trying to gently stretch it out, but it is not really responding to my efforts. Owie owie ow.
  • It bugs me Every Single Time I get an email from my health insurance that says "A new Explanation of Benefits is ready for you" and when I go to the website, the term Explanation of Benefits is nowhere to be found. They talk about my "Claims." Why can they not use the same words in both places. WHY? (Also annoying: that they email me on 10/22 and say I have a new claim, but on the website, the most recent claims are from 10/11. It takes 11 days for you to tell me it's there?)
  • The neverending elevator saga, part 87: Guess what, we heard this morning that tomorrow and possibly Wednesday, the elevator will be out of commission (AGAIN) while the floor is redone. There is NOTHING wrong with the floor. There are no cracks, no chips, no nothing. I guess it just isn't fancy enough. (Who cares? WHO CARES.)
  • Speaking of building issues, the pool is still not back up and running. The pump was replaced last Thursday, how long does it take to get the chemicals balanced? I can't decide if I think it's more likely that it will be okayed tomorrow, when the elevator is out (hey, ccr, you can use the pool, if you're willing to add five flights of stairs to your exercise program) (with this hamstring? no), or after I leave for Boston on Thursday (you could use the pool, except you're not here). Place your bets!


  1. Oh, strained hamstrings are the WORST. Lots of gentle stretches!!

  2. Oooh careful with the strained hamstring! They are susceptible to re-straining.
    How frustrating, all the stuff with your building!

  3. Ugh, the building stuff sounds so annoying! And don't get me started on insurance stuff. I totally agree that they should just use consistent terminology! How hard is that?!?!

  4. Shouldn't that be pooling our bets?

    I'm so sorry about your hamstring. Gentle stretches before icing (said the woman who just did back stretches and is wearing an ice pack as I type.) Don't be afraid to ask for a wheelchair at the airport if you need it, it's way better than making yourself too sore to enjoy the trip.
