Sunday, September 10, 2017

Where We Are

Up to a point, this whole trip has gone according to plan. My mother flew to Boston on September 1, and she and I flew to California on the third. We had a great time with my brother, but while we were there, she started to hear from friends about how Hurricane Irma was bearing down on Florida. Before we left California on Thursday night, her flight from Boston to Florida on Saturday had already been cancelled. For now, she is scheduled on a flight on this Friday, but that has to be considered tentative until we hear about the condition that southwest Florida in general, and her area and condo building in particular, are in, following the storm surge that is expected to come tonight.

So, for now we're fine. We're waiting. We're tripping over each other, a little, but still tremendously relieved that she isn't there, trying to deal with the situation. And soon, we'll know more than we know now.

Which is to say, I have some 300+ photos from the trip that I haven't even gone through yet. Blogging about it will come, sometimes. But not right now.

1 comment:

  1. We're hoping and praying that her building is unscathed!
