Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Night and I Feel Like Roadkill

Or perhaps you prefer:
I hit the snooze button this morning for 40 minutes, instead of my usual 10 or 20. Between the time change and this lingering cold, I am super-glad to see the end of this week. The cold is slowly going away, but sooooo slooooooowwwwly, and the congestion levels have been frankly disgusting. Then I got my period too, and even with the codeine (thank GOD for codeine), the cramps yesterday had me doing Lamaze breathing. Overall it just hasn't been a week that I've been happy in my body, you know?

Tomorrow will be better. I'm going to the North Shore Yarn Crawl with friends, though NOT to as many stores as last year; that was too much, and since I'm driving this time, I feel I have ultimate veto power if anyone tries to suggest "just one more" (I don't think I'll need it, but I have it). There's only one new store this year, and it's right by lunch, so we should be all right that way.

Now, someone would like me to pay attention to the cat, so I must go. Here, watch this amazing video of a diver, a kayak, and a sea lion pup:

Not a manatee, but still a very cute sea creature, right?

1 comment:

  1. Everybody's got a cold, it seems--let's blame the weather. I hope you get a chance to recharge your batteries over the weekend.
