Photo credit to Cory Doctorow
I read* 151 books in 2012, a decrease from 182 in 2011. Perhaps I spent more time knitting? Who knows. The difference interests but doesn't bother me. A lot changed in my life in 2012, heaven knows, and trying to decide how each change affected my reading is unlikely to be a satisfying exercise.
*Finished, anyway; I get plenty of books from the library that I start and decide not to finish, for one reason or another.
Rough totals:
Across the top, by the way, is total (per month), first-time read, re-read, and from the library. Total numbers at the bottom, and then monthly averages below that. Yes, I had some free time to play with the numbers.
Patricia Briggs is a good portion of the list. I discovered her late in 2011, so many of her books were first-time reads, and then re-reads, on the list in 2012. I'm currently re-reading hers again, in fact, in anticipation of her new book in March. Can't wait to see what she's doing about the huge twist she threw at us at the end of Fair Game!
Looking at the 2012 list, it seems like I read a lot of sci-fi/fantasy, and a fair number of young adult books. I can't be bothered to figure out the totals retroactively, but I've added columns to the 2013 list so I can see what those numbers add up to this year.
As I said here five years ago, I'm still not sorry that, years ago when I belonged to eHarmony, I cut off communication with anyone who said they'd read 0-10 books in the previous year. (How could we possibly get along, that mythical he and I?) Do you agree or disagree? Have you ever chosen not to go further with someone for a reason that made sense to you but not to others?
Do you keep track of what you read? What's your method?
I do not track such things but it doesn't surprise me at all that you read more books during the bad-weather months and fewer in the fair, as you likely spent more time outdoors then.
ReplyDeleteI love my book-wormy friend. Though I hate the Google requirement to put in numbers and letters to post and usually get them wrong and must repeat multiple times. Can you try going without in 2013? Just a thought.