Last month I saw one in my yard, baffling me since we have no grass or toothsome greenness which might have tempted him.
I saw no less than three in England: one in the garden of the B&B, one by the side of the roadside services car park, and one running from the train.
And now tonight, this guy was using our yard as a shortcut:

Might be the same as the first one, I couldn't say for sure. They're certainly everywhere, though!
And you know what else is everywhere? Lilacs.

I love them. (I'm trying to exult in Spring as often as I moaned about Winter. I'm not sure it's possible, considering how much whining I did, but I'm trying.) Thanks for the kind words about the photos in my last post, by the way. I couldn't begin to name everything, though I know the poofy purple ones (second photo and second last photo) are wisteria, which was everywhere and smelled divine.
You know what else?
They tilled the garden at work, and tonight they were marking off the plots. It's time to think about planting. Yay. Happy green growing things dance.
Crafty content coming soon! Not new crafty, but crafty discussions, anyway. In case you come for the "knit" part of the blog name.
Looking back, there should have been "flower" in that name somewhere...
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