Sunday, December 29, 2024

On Again, Off Again

The week before Christmas, I worked four days, then was off four days for my trip.

Worked a day, off a day (Christmas).

Worked two days, off two days, then I'll work two days, be off a day (New Year's), work two days, and off two days. 

What I'm saying is that the first full week in January is going to be a shock.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, but I'm hoping to write about my trip soon. Other than the weather, it was a great trip!


  1. By the time I retired, the school year was so chopped up that I could never get a rhythm. Neither could the students.

  2. Oh wow, all that back and forth is super disorienting! I wish you could ease your way back into the five-days-a-week routine.

  3. Ha ha! I haven't been to work since the 20th! I think I'm going to go in tomorrow for A DAY and then I'll be off again until the 6th. *sigh* What if I've forgotten how to do my job?

  4. Ugh. The Holidays. They really screw things up. It's like 12/24 through 1/1 aren't even real days.

  5. That door has a story to tell and I can't wait to hear it!

  6. I like the door photo, lovely. I worked on the 23rd, and have been off since then, back to work on Monday (6th). It's going to be a bit of a shock I am sure.
