Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Maggie This Morning

We have had Florida-chilly weather recently, with temps going down into the 40s overnight, meaning that last week we had the air conditioning on part of the time, and this week it's the heat! It warms up nicely during the day, but that warmth doesn't come inside well enough for this working person at her computer.

The reason I start with this is that, while Maggie likes to be on my lap year-round, these mornings, we are deeply into a mutual heat exchange. She was extra-cute, progressively, this morning. Look:

My baby girl.


  1. My kitty is a great leg warmer in the morning before the gas fireplace kicks in. Then she abandons me to lie in front of it! Traitor!

    1. Oh no! Yeah, I've been wanting Maggie to stay on when it's really chilly, and once in a while she does choose to get down.

  2. Tough to get work done with a cat on your lap. Too bad!

  3. Oh, to have a cat on my lap!!!! Maggie is perfection, isn't she.

  4. Sounds like a perfect answer to the problem.
