Tuesday, August 15, 2023

No News Is Exhausting

I suppose it's not groundbreaking news if I say that stress is exhausting, but wow, these days I'm going to bed about an hour earlier than I used to, because I am so wiped out by the end of the day. And it's not like my days are physically strenuous! But I have more to do than I used to, than I am used to, and between that and the worrying about all the uncertainty, boom! Out like a light. I'm sleeping better than I used to, too. At least there's that.

Mom is still in rehab. She was supposed to have a doctor's appointment on Monday--a "follow-up" with a doctor she said she'd never seen--but they first switched it to Tuesday (because the Monday appointment was with the PA, who apparently said, no, wait, she should see the doctor) and then they came back and said wait, you haven't seen this doctor before! You need to follow up with the doctor you saw in the hospital! He can see you on Friday! 

I was so hoping we would learn more about what might come next--I mean, and I still am, but having to wait four more days is not doing me much good. Swimming in a sea of uncertainty.

So for now, I'm deeply into the Just One Thing method of coping. When I get overwhelmed by how much needs doing, I take a deep breath and pick one thing to do. Just one. Doesn't have to be the most important thing, just that it's one thing I can do. Then on to one more thing, at least until it's time for a break, or bed. Just one thing. I can do one more thing.


  1. Just one thing is a great mantra. This does sound so stressful. I hate uncertainty with such a passion. I hope you get answers sooner rather than later, or that the four days pass with SPEED.

  2. I get this--all of this. It's no fun caring for an aging parent. I empathize.
    Just One Thing can get you through quite a bit. That and getting out in Nature when and if you can. Trust me; I know.

  3. Just one Thing is a really good mantra. I should work on using that because I can really get caught up by everything going on in life. Dealing with uncertainty is so hard - and then add in dealing with changing doctors/appointments/etc and that's a rough combo! I hope you have some clarity soon!
