Sunday, August 06, 2023

A No-Fun Saturday Morning

Maggie would tell you that it was less fun for her, but honestly, forcing her to go to the vet is hard on me, too. She hates the carrier and the car and all the funny smells and the strangers holding her, and it's just a lot. (For both of us, Maggie.) The end result is she seems to be in good shape for her age, but we do have to clean her teeth, which will freak me out (due to a previous experience, not because it's rationally something to be that afraid of) but we'll get through it.

Meanwhile, here is her highness, suffering in silence for one moment. I stopped at a red light and my heart melted when I saw the paws.

Oh, baby.
Off topic, but do you see how high up the Exit sign is? Good luck seeing that in an emergency. Unless it was after dark, anyway.
Waiting for the room.
"What's out there?"

"You know I hate this, right?"
"Mom? I hate this place."
The tail looks casual, but that's misleading.

"I want out of here. Now."
After we got home, she napped on the lap. At least she doesn't hold a grudge.
This is where I want to say that at least that's over for another year, but the teeth. Sigh.


  1. I just have to say that Maggie is much more outgoing at the vet than Zelda is. She hides in her carrier and we have to dismantle the whole thing to get her out and then there's NO EXPLORING when we take her out, but she tries to hide behind me. I've never seen her on the counter/table because she's never there! So, I feel like Maggie is definitely not as traumatized by the vet experience as you might think!

    1. Hopefully she isn't! I really get the impression that she is conducting a full inspection to be sure she really hates everything about it. "Hate this ... hate this ... this is awful ... yup, still hate."

  2. Poor Maggie. And sorry about that teeth cleaning. But glad she's doing okay, and that's worth knowing.

  3. Awwww poor kitty. It must be so scary to be taken from your home to a weird place where you get poked and prodded and examined. Good thing she has you there through it all to provide comfort and stability!

    1. True; they do have to roll with it when we make them do weird things. I hope my being there provides her comfort!

  4. She looks awfully brave. My cats hide behind me and never explore.

    1. When it was time to leave, I had to pull her out from under the chair!

  5. Oh, poor Maggie! And poor you. I HATE taking cats to the vet!!!

    1. It stresses me out SO much. And of course she doesn't know why we have to do it, and just ugh.
