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If you'd heard me in the garden today, you might have guessed that pea pods had sprouted on the cucumber plants, I sounded so surprised. I kept saying, "Peas!" But I never expected them to grow so quickly. Another gardener said they like cool weather, but I feel like we've had some warm, too; who knows. I'm tickled pink, or perhaps tickled green would be a better way of putting it. The pods are varying sizes, but even in the larger ones the peas aren't harvesting size yet, which is fine, I can wait. I'm just so happy to see the pods. Aren't they too cute?
Peas ... how about that? :)
I am really going to catch up on my recent gallivanting ... but not tonight. It's all catching up with me, and to hear Pan yowl and Harold mew, they are totally on board with my plan to sit on my butt and accomplish sfa tonight. If I feel very, very ambitious, I may attempt a pom-pom for the first baby hat (yes, yes, photos of that to come, too), but that's about it.
I don't know if my stitch and bitch group is going to meet tomorrow night (my posted question about whether there was any discussion last week, when I wasn't at the meeting, about when to meet this week, fell into utter cyber-silence on the Yahoo group board), so I should get to it either tomorrow or Wednesday.
Then after that I can address the "hockey" part of the blog, and how the Bruins fired their coach ... sorry, how they're going to find him another position in the organization for the remaining three years of his contract for $2.4 million dollars, and hire another coach. But they did not use the word "fire", though the Globe did. Hmmm. Interesting.
Peas - cool! Wow, you stick seeds in the ground, and plants come up. The only way I'm turning green is with envy, as I'd kill 'em all. Inadvertently, of course, but I do not have the knack. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteAnd let's hear it for recouping. I do that a lot meself. It's a great sport. [g] Good luck on that pompom if you get around to it. More importantly, give Pan and Harold some snuggles from me.
(Btw, have you chanced to look at the Dulaan Cupcake hat pattern Marianne rec'd to me over at Now Norma Knits, for future knits? It's a really good-looking, mindless project if doing mostly rib doesn't drive you bats. I had fun with it and plan to make more.)