Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Head Scale, hockey, and just a little moving

So here it is, the how-bad-is-the-headache scale. It's an individual thing, of course, highly subjective, so if your descriptions would be different, that's not at all surprising. Feel free to suggest your own descriptors!

0 no pain; not even thinking about head (unless it is just after a headache)
1 slightly, intermittently aware of head, but don't usually get around to medication
2 medicate; starting to rub head
3 more aware of pain, less able to concentrate
4 pain starts to interfere with life, thinking, etc
5 medicine doesn't seem to be helping--—until it wears off
6 start of unconscious groaning
7 begin randomly walking around, trying to find something to do that doesn't hurt
8 can't do anything (read, tv, computer) because it all hurts
9 can't think of anything but head; railing against fate
10 want to die

This is a cheery topic, isn't it? Of course, I don't have a headache today, so I can be as cheery as I want. On a clear day, it doesn't seem quite real, the memory of headaches like this. Today, the PMS is fading; the acne seems to be diminishing; things are pretty good.

And the Bruins won. They are 10-3 in their last 13 games. Weird. Good, of course, but weird. I'm kind of afraid to pay too much attention, in case I jinx it. Superstitious, much? Uh, yeah. Knock on wood when you say that, won't you?

And just a little on The Move, since I have trouble ignoring the topic. Still loving the new place, but you know what? I'm ready to be settled. Unpacked. Places found for things, routines settled into. Staples and stores bought, extra errands done. But I'm not complaining, much. It continues to improve. I'm just a little tired tonight, I guess. I did 5 errands on the way home (although, I only did 3 yesterday and was home much later, so the number isn't the main thing), and filled and ran the dishwasher, and put things away, and paid bills, and wrote a thank-you note, and snuck glances at the Bruins game when they weren't looking, and I'm ready for bed. Which works out well, since it's time to get ready for bed.

Probably the period is why I'm extra-tired this week, actually. The joys of hormones. I know, I know, thanks for sharing, right?

1 comment:

  1. On that headache scale...somewhere between the 8 and 10 mark you might want to add mindless moaning and whimpering under the covers, or the black humor of getting migraines on sunny, gorgeous days when you whince at the mere thought of sunlight...or light, period. As long as I am wallowing here in all-too-recent memory, let us not forget the nausea which is not relieved by eating OR not eating.


    I am still reeling from stomach flu/sinus headache/migraine. The stomach is out of the woods, still sore, but apparently the intestines have resumed functions. On the others...still too close to call.

    How's THAT for over-share?
