Sunday, March 23, 2025

Time to Sit, I Tell Myself

It's time to move an item up the to-do list that I've largely been ignoring in favor of escapist reading.

I wrote about my office chair situation back in January; I knew I would need to get a new chair sometime, but it wasn't a constant annoyance, and what with one thing and another, I didn't do anything about it. But this last week, it started sinking again, and oh hell no you are not.

I checked the archives (time #4087 that the blog has come in handy this way) and found that I got the chair in August of 2020. Which seems like not long enough ago for it to be failing, but I do spend a lot of time in the chair, so fine, whatever. Perhaps this will encourage me to spend more money on a better chair that might last longer. 

Any suggestions for a good office chair? I'm looking for a comfortably wide seat and no arms (I tend to lean sideways on the arms if they're there, which throws me out of alignment).

I'd rather be reading. But the interim chair I'm using is Not Comfortable.


  1. It's not a true chair since mine doesn't have a back (but you can buy them with backs), but I have one of the chairs that holds an exercise ball. I'm sitting on it right now. I've had it about 7 years and still LOVE it! Like I mentioned, I have one that is just a base that the ball sits into, but I know they do make them with backs. Certainly not for everyone, but it's the only office chair I've used for years and years and I would replace it in a heartbeat!
    I got the idea for it from my family doctor; that's what she uses in her exam rooms instead of a traditional office chair. I was intrigued and she recommended it so highly, I thought why not!

  2. I am also in search of an office chair for my kitchen table workspace. There are two at one of my schools, they look identical and one kills my back and one doesn't, so I really have no idea how to pick a good one.

  3. I had a sinking chair at school and it was hilarious. Luckily, I didn't spend much time in the chair. I have no recommendations since I had to depend on the district to buy mine and they were usually crappy.

  4. My office chair has arms, so I'm no help at all. I don't really use them--they're smallish and set pretty far back--but I get how you could start to lean into them when you're not actively typing. Good luck!

  5. This is the one my daughter wanted. It does have arms, though.
