Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Almost There... Just a Few More Days...

My dad died in 2009, so the period where the lead-up to father's day is endlessly awful is past for me. (That first year, whew: he died in April, so it was pretty much just as that was gearing up, and it was agonizing.) But every year, a week or two before the day, I hit the point where I am just Done With It All. Can we stop? Can the reminders at every turn go away?

I know I'm not the only one. Others have lost their fathers, or don't have good relationships with their fathers, or for whatever other valid reason hate father's day. But oh, y'all, it's hard.

Last week, I dreamed that I was hugging my dad. In the dream, it was just a nice hug, nothing special. But when I remembered it the next day, it made me so sad. I miss him.

The emails can stop ANY time now.


  1. Oh honey. Hugs.

    We have one of those gizmos that cycles through our photos, and there are a few of my dad laughing--Dad loved a great pun, loved to laugh--and it always puts the biggest smile on my face. I miss him...

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry. Big hugs.
