Sunday, November 25, 2012

Even Long Weekends End. This is a bad thing.

Extra-long weekends are wonderful, and I've thoroughly enjoyed this one, but I still have the Sunday evening blues. I'm getting things done, which I'm mildly proud of, but it's a down feeling nonetheless.

I did finally clean out the fridge today, which was waaaayyy overdue, and did dishes, and ran the dishwasher; obviously the first one led directly to the second, and moved the third up the priority list. I also sorted through the store of plastics to recycle some whose day was done, in order to make room for all the ones that are now clean. It's like when you get way behind on laundry: when it's all clean, you run out of places to put it!

I did laundry yesterday, in fact, more loads than I counted, so that's caught up too, plus on some of the trips to the basement, I brought up (most of) the Christmas bins (tree shopping next weekend, I think). After I broke a nail yesterday, I trimmed the rest of them today, and put away the last of the laundry. I biked today, and Thursday and Friday too. The sock is progressing nicely (that and being tired are the only evidence I have that I exercised, so you can see why I prefer to focus on the sock).

This is so not chronological! Let's go back to Thanksgiving. Here's my traditional Thanksgiving breakfast:
Fried egg whites (since angel salad uses yolks) and pineapple juice from draining the crushed pineapple. Then I shredded a potato and made hash browns in the Foreman grill. Slow, but surprisingly good! I'm not planning to switch to an all-potato diet, even for the short term, but who am I to argue with more potatoes?

On Thanksgiving, the Globe is a clear example of what the expectation is for Americans this weekend: shopping.
That's the newspaper on the right, and the ads on the left. Whew!

I can't get too close to Miri without getting pictures of her in bug-eyed wariness, but with the zoom, I caught a shot on Thursday that demonstrates why I sometimes call her Miss Floof.
Sunlight through fluff. Yeah, right, she's a medium-hair. Sure she is.

Thanksgiving dinner was wonderful, and I rolled home practically comatose, but in the best possible way. On Friday, I was back for leftovers before we went to the movies; we saw Silver Linings Playbook, which had its tense moments but overall I quite enjoyed.

As for Saturday and Sunday, they've been a blur of chores and reading and patting the kitty. Which he, of course, heroically puts up with.
What a good boy.

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