Speaking of which, 42! The birthday has come and gone, and now my age is "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything." Which makes me miss Douglas Adams anew.
I got the car unloaded, which means I have some unpacking to do here, or my (three-day) work-week will be awkward, with the finding things and so on. Happily, NESN is replaying yesterday's Bruins game tonight, so I can watch them while I unpack, and pretend I don't know they're going to win. It will be such a pleasant surprise!
Edited to add: NESN is showing Saturday's game instead. The Bruins are not going to win, I can feel it. Sigh. At least it's hockey.
Also! Today is National Coming Out Day, and while I'm not coming out personally (not being gay makes that impossible), I support anyone who is, does, thinks about it, and so on.

We're all people, people.
I'm with you--why is it so hard to live by the golden rule?