Monday, February 10, 2025

A Small Thank You to Past Me

Years ago, I was on vacation and got too much sun on my back, resulting in itchy peeling. So I bought a back scratcher.

Fast-forward to today, and I use this thing all the damned time, so thank you, past me, for not putting enough sunscreen on your back on that beach day! Who knew it would be paying off all these years later.

Do you have anything to thank past you for?


  1. I thank past me for starting therapy a little over a year ago. LIFE CHANGING!
    I also thank past me for taking so many pictures. My kids were home sick today and spent hours going through old photobooks and it was such a delight to hear them remember all sorts of details from their childhood via the pictures!

  2. Past me is sometimes ON THE BALL. I went to make cookies this weekend? Past me had all the ingredients ready. I went to clean the vacuum. Past me had all the filters arranged correctly. Past me is awesome. Except when she's not.

  3. I set up my coffee maker every day for Tomorrow Me. I'm always so grateful every morning for Past Me. And I love how Past Me always puts everything in its place so I don't have to search for stuff. (Unless Newly Retired Husband has screwed it all up.)

  4. I think of Future Me each evening as I tidy up the kitchen and set up the coffee for the next morning. And I thank Past Me for doing these things.

  5. I have a back scratcher, too, and let me tell you, it feels SO GOOD to scratch that itch with it. Haha.

  6. I'm glad past me planted my fruit trees. It's been about ten years now for most of them, and those dead-looking little sticks with a few roots are now beautiful trees.
