I'm not sure what I was doing in my sleep Tuesday night (I'm not sure I want to know), but the way my back felt yesterday, it was active enough that I should have lost weight. (I didn't, of course.) Maybe Pan was more than usually annoying? Or maybe it has something to do with when I woke up to discover one leg was firmly wedged between two cats: who knows how long I was torquing my back, trying to turn over, before it woke me? Ow. Welcome to the ibuprofen diet.
It's a shame one can't can't call in crabby to work. I just felt cranky yesterday. (Hopefully today will be better.) Though I suppose even if I could, I'd be second-guessing myself: "Am I really crabby, or only sort of crabby? I only get so many crabby days a year, maybe I should save it for when I'm really crabby..." I do have the merest whisper of a sore throat, so maybe I'm coming down with something. Wouldn't that suck.
Name change. No, not me. I think I'm going to stop using the phrase "disposable income", though, and replace it with "evaporative income". I don't feel like I dispose of much: it's just gone.
By the way, do you think the title Delusional Blogger is taken?
Google maps. I love it, but lately it has stopped recognizing my work address. "We were not able to locate the address", it says, but I work here. I know my desk hasn't moved, in almost a year and a half. The driveway is where it has been. I always used to go to maps.google.com and type in my work address and be right there, and now it won't, nor will it say what part it has a problem with. It does offer me the option of finding businesses near the suddenly mythical address I'm trying to find, and it can find the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, but it doesn't have us in exactly the right spot on the street, which it used to. Very strange. Somehow I feel less secure than I used to about my location on the planet.
Finally, some random photos. Last post, I mentioned the turkeys showing up at work, it was last spring by the way, so here's proof (this may be two photos of the same turkey, I'm not sure, but there were two of them, promise):
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